Select and combine rules
Discounts, promotions, pricing and more
Click "Generate Script"
Playwright generates optimized code
Use in your store
Transfer to the Script Editor app
Create a script in 2 minutes
Our rules engine makes it easy to create and combine the scripts you need
Create your first script for free.
Explore the power of Playwright free of charge
Purchased by 150+ Shopify Plus stores

Plug-n-play Templates
Combine and stack a variety of scripts and customize to your needs
Buy One
Get One Offers
Offer free or discounted products based on purchases
Special pricing and discounts for wholesale customers
Product Bundles
and Kits
Apply a discount when customers buys a set of items
Free Gift
with Purchase
Offer a free product when the cart meets certain criteria
VIP Customer
Special offers for customers based on tags, email or other fields
Discounts based on the number of products purchased
Combine restrictions for customers, products, minimum spend and more
Ability to turn off discounts under certain circumstances
Save time.
Save money.
Playwright easily pays for itself in just one hour of monthly developer time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our support team and we'll get back to you right away.
Do I need a Shopify Plus plan?
Yes. The scripts generated by Playwright need to be transferred to the
Shopify Scripts Editor
Is Playwright in the Shopify app store?
Yes. We just recently added a listing. you can view it here:
https://apps.shopify.com/playwright-v2. However, because Playwright only works with
Shopify Plus stores, it will not show up when searching for apps from the main store page.
How does the free plan work?
You can create a script in Playwright using a single rule for free. When you are ready to create scripts using multiple combined rules, simply upgrade your account.
Why are my generated scripts all on one line?
Playwright optimizes your script to run most efficiently in Shopify. Part of that optimization is minifying the script.
Do you support Shipping and Payment Scripts?
Yes! You can select which script type you want to generate from the main Playwright dashboard.
Do you support the new Shopify Subscriptions?